Orphan Number: | 520 |
Orphan: | Angelina BROWN |
Mother: | HANDLEY, Ellen |
Father: | BROWN, Thomas |
Mother's ship: | Baretto Junior |
Father's ship: | Waterloo |
Age when admitted: | 5yrs |
Date admitted: | 3 Oct 1864 |
Date discharged: | 1 Apr 1874 |
Institution(s): | Queens Orphan School |
Discharged to: | T C Just, Launceston |
Remarks: | won Roman Catholic prize Jan 1871, 1872-3 |
References: | SWD26/7, 32/1, 52/1, 53, 54, HAP1871/63 |
Angelina Brown is believed to have been registered at birth as Emily Brown (see RGD33/1/37 no 178). She died on 22 August 1874 (see SWD 26/1/7) but her death does not seem to have been registered. For more information on the family see http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~midas/fitch.html